Tuesday, September 29, 2015


We give 100% in every situation.
We will never be outworked by an opponent.
We work hard to master the details of our craft.

Nothing in life was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

We don’t make excuses.
We control our emotions when under pressure.
We are resilient and persistent until the end of every game.

Harbaugh Toughness
No Complaining without solutions

We work to build relationships with each other on and off the court.
We always have each other’s back on every play.
We trust our coaches to teach and make decisions that are the best for the team.

Calapari= Surrender to our coaching
Playing for each other Guru of GO

We don’t care who gets credit, any individual recognition is a reflection of our entire team.
We sacrifice personal agendas to always put the TEAM FIRST.
We always try to make each other better without any expectation of something in return

Lebron celebrating his teammates
Shine the Light
The Secret

We concentrate and pay attention to detail.
We work to accept our role(job) and focus on the things we can control.
We work to master our offenses, defenses, and scouts.

Greg Popovich= “We’re not concentrating guys”
Carpenter= Builds something
Craftsman= Makes a work of art, pays attention to detail, puts more care into it