Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Cody Butler Active help

Can't guard stuff like dribble motion unless your help defenders are actively reading and anticipating where the ball is going to be passed.

#1 it must be an expectation-Meek "read what the ball is going to do"

#2 Butler, 2 wings and a ball side post, the helper has lob help and has to close on the weak side wing if skipped, make them bounce to the post and back to the weak side, this will discourage the offense, make them uncomfortable

#3 take the post out, make the ball side wing a driver, do I have to help or do I get back.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

tag game

2 v 2 on the half court, 15 seconds.  2 players dribbling have to tag both defensive players.  Once a player is tagged they run back on defense to the other end of the floor to play defense.  Once the two ball handlers have tagged both players they throw one ball out and have to score on the two defenders on the other end of the floor with the time that remains.  Simulates last minute chaos and a final shot with time running out. Also will kick their tail conditioning wise.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

8th Monday

430 4th grade girls
passing away from defense, little bit of shooting

2 on 2 weak hand
super series

kill series with cones
super series

Pioneers Identity

We run every possession, seals, drives, and skips

press for tempo

Point zone defensively in the half court

Friday, May 4, 2012

7th Thursday

6pm Post work
H up
swim move
marquette transition
slip, rack

7pm Shooting
ball raises
set point
1 v1 jump shots
3 on 3 jump shots

8pm PG
tball dribbling
top secret series
in and out
in and out cross
in out cross attack pull back go
in out cross attack pull back legs cross attack
in out cross attack pull back legs cross attack wrap dribble

now play 1 v1 but break moves into parts, spin finish if cut off

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

7th Monday

430 4th girls
individual defense, stance

3 on 2 3 must trap no dribble, 2 have dribble must rotate defensively

730pm hs
elongated step, floater, euro
live euro help, live euro fly by