Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dunlap Video

wooden spent  2 hours on practice plan

"this might be my last chance"

its your job to get a disposition in your gym of desperation

Dunlap always like coaching young girls, teaching them to play hard and compete

your gym must be organized and kids must compete

Joy of sport Novak
 "kids have fun winning"
kids create rules so that there are winners and losers

Everything starts and stops your drills

magic drill
1) a time (must make a certain amount)
2) a score, play to a score
3) what is the rotation drill
4) Praise(tell them something good to lock them in to you) prompt(correct  leave

Laws of learning:
1) tell them what you want
2) show them
3) have them demonstrate ( dry run)
4) correct the demonstration before you go live 
5) Repetition is lord and master, with time and score

Only way you buy in is the head coach
he's a good dude
he's smart
he's got "it"

The most important thing is competitive spirit

What's your brand?
1 thing on off
1 thing on d
1 thing mentally that you will not tolerate

Must roll your schemes= Change how you guard the pick and roll (Howland/Donovan)

Duke is the best huddle team in America

What makes you a better coach
1) Read stuff (it allows to become smarter on the cheap)
2) Relationships are built over time, find out a kids personal story.  Dunlap keeps files on kids that they want by their senior yearLatent Injuries (history of kids).  When you take notes you tell the person that what their saying is important.
3) Field Trips you have teacher's of the year in your building.  Ask to view them. they have secrets.
4) Social Media.  What am I looking to get out of this?  
5) notebook system (how are you tracking your notes)
6) teaching with love and logic, parenting class
7) who are the other mentors in your army
8) Practice plan (slow to fast, all teaching in the beginning, they're on the head of the needle)
9) Speakers (need other people to tell them what you're telling them
10) Stay open minded

Teach to pace, don't ever rush your teaching
    wahlberg= verbals, what says a lot by saying a little.  In marketing they call it a sticking point

Parenting class is the best, teaching with love and logic

tell your players to do one thing
compliment them
"Precision Intimidates"
Precision, Intellect, and a conditioned response will help you when the bullets fly

I'm the luckiest guy in the world to be here with you

Put them on the head of the needle

Here's our progression, so you won't have to do this for an hour, build this house with me

Your Disposition dictates everything= you must emphasize stuff with your voice
Stay committed to what you do

"You are what you want to be committed to and how far you'll go"

"That's awful, your doing it because i told you to, get the ball"

Praise Prompt Leave

1) Praise "Thank you" 2) Prompt "You know what we can do better"  Leave

Ball Pressure drill for 10 sec
Flick up at the ball then jump back and arm and a half to re space
now add dribble 

"I guess i didn't explain that correctly" 

Cut off the mistake

If you keep telling a kid not to do something and they keep doing it you haven't addressed the issue

make the kid take ownership, cut off the mistake

Don't stop practice with questions, have a q & a period at the end

You gotta be that guy every day, did I pick the wrong guy.  "Coach I got you on the defensive side, where do we need to put out a fire"

"Teach to the advantage of the concept" You want them to look good the first time

Negatives of Zones
1) Accountability on Rebounds
2) Gives up threes
3) easier for help to foul  

1) keep players who are in foul trouble in the game
2) Rest periods, easier to play longer
3) 90% of your stuff is man to man, you don't run good stuff

16 actions against man, 4 against zone

as a zone d coach your preparation becomes easier, guys just don't run that much stuff

zone destroys the pick and roll
          rolled schemes on dead balls

3 pillars of defense
1) extreme ball Pressure
2) Rotation
3) Rebounding


2 off vs 4 d
no dribble either team
score the ball

Ball pressure= make off turn

Clock's Running! (Shot clock)

IT's not a trophy, chin that ball

Defensive Cutthroat

4 on 5 overload

5 off on 4 d overload
4 defenders in a box
2 ft line extended wings block to block post 2 high guards

 no dribble,
if you can force them to make 6 passes your a good defense

once you have something in, overload it to make your kids play hard
heavy dose of 4 on 5, 3 on 4, 6 on 5, 7 on 5, etc

have your kids going TOO hard in the first practice

When you have the ball in the middle alley you only job is to reverse ball
it doesn't matter that you didn't get it the first time
it does if you make that mistake again
"When I'm talking to him who am i talking to?"

now add off must dribble the ball over half court

pressing guards, make them have to give up their dribble and throw it to the other guard

corner three is the high percentage shot in the game

reverse the ball always to the corner to flatten the defense

We want the ball to visit the corner but not live there

Karl "See the pass, move your ass"

No ball pressure = offense breathe the ball

3 on 3
5 rules 
1) stance is the integrity of all def and off
2) jump to ball (direction of the pass)
3) Communicate= ball or help, keep it simple
4) Hands waist level, shoulder level, or contest level
5) take a charge you win the game

PS finish with a rebound

Teaching to the advantage of the point start with no offensive dribble

if I see someone make the same mistake twice i know that he may not be an auditory learner

"Coaches let the whistle do your teaching"
"You know the drill is working when they start getting on each other"

Player should be allowed to criticize each other with coach moderation
(dont let them beat each other down)

if you want to get better you have to lift weight, your players have to be critical of each other

teach kids to be ambidextrious with their pivots


bullet points
1) Sideline pins
  black against step pick, g force ball handler to attack big

always three covering ball on sideline, pinner, top guard at elbow, then forward butt front or gets low side to help on drives

triangle behind the ball 

high i low i on weak side, our ball pressure makes it hard to throw a good pass

2)  Counting

how many on sideline alley? if there is a shooter corner g must bump forward down, C will show out to corner while f gets down there

3)  Coach Hands

get deflections
get your hands up so the offense doesn't like the look
4) Jump in the direction of the pass
be anal about it

"Run to skips, slide to next passes"

5) Rebounding

when the ball is shot in the middle, the rebound goes through the elbows
cover the boxes and elbows when this occurs

when the ball is shot from the side 2 on the weak side forming a wedge ball side forward covers block weak guard covers the middle,

"Sprint to Spots!"


"when somebody steps out of line you gotta pull em back in"

"your year is now"

Contact info

Mike Dunlap
541 206 4310

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