Monday, October 17, 2011

Chaos Practice Monday Oct 17 2011

Blue team

3 on 2 passing 10 passes and score
3 v 3 no dribble passing 4 passes and score
taught progressive break
    all the way up to 3 on 3
    taught offense and defense technique
taught c2 with duck in

Both teams

keep away with feet chopping
did a version of Chair closeouts emphasized "Chop" and "sprint to Help"
2 v 2 jump to ball chop feet box and board on the 4 pass
4 v 4 sprint to help
4 v 4 cutters

Black Team

2 v 2 gap help technique "don't commit your numbers, ready to recover and contest" drive bluff and contest kick through box out and rebound

4 v 4 drive and kick, teach baseline help rotations, make sure we can contest, Played to 5 stops

4 v 4 drive and kick, switch screens, no face cuts to 4 stops

4 v 4 double the post then rotate out to 3 stops

tip drill to transition defense to jump switch ball screen and double roller
     "must point and talk"

Instead of everyone talking made captains huddle teams before drills, had a conversation instead of just chatter, communication really improved

Key words
 Chop= chop your feet
  Contest= Hand in the face, don't jump, "make them miss"

Standards= Force a contested shot, no lay ups, no one in paint, box out and rebound for stop

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