Thursday, August 11, 2011

wed aug 10th

2pm wing
bank shooing routine made them bank 3 15 ftrs in a row
change of pace dribble into pull up bank
change of pace into floater
had them use floater bar if they were younger
live by running in off the break defense at elbow tosses to them and touches their inside hip, turn the corner , floater or pull up
now the d jumps the first dribble wrap dribble into finish or step back.

3pm shooting
band routine
had ty shooting tight from chair to work on elbow flex
had david touch his head
Had the three high school boys play 1 v 1 with the gun, then 1v2 and scramble for ball with the gun
had the girls work on pocket shooting had them touch the base of their wrist to their knee in order to have proper shot prep
talked about shot prep to all the younger kids, did drive and kick shooting, had passer turn into defense and made offense read hands to attack

4pm pg
baseball ball handling
cage dribbling can only go through legs and behind your back ten seconds survival, had older kid use heavy ball
cage dribble at half court must complete 6 dribbles between legs or behind back then go score on the hoop with a gun.  made younger kid only get 3 crosses in.  Forced players to use legs and back crosses because they're protected crosses.

5 pm team train worked on 22 up

6pm practice
worked on Chase young fade dribble set up
in and out slide over to key line set up
first read blow by,
2nd cross
3rd dbl cross
4th killer cross combo
now play 1 v1

Pivot 2 on 2
have a match up at top of key, have match up at the block
defense smothers player at the top of the key while low match up slides block to block
offensive player uses his pivot to get by and attack defense low then reads score or assist
2 on 3, 2 offense 3 defense trap and deny.  offense must complete 3 passes then may score can or can't dribble.  Use pivots, pass and catch.

did scramble passing drill to build up to 22 up.

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